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Explore Data Safekeeping and Identity Theft Prevention

Jonathan Garcia

Come to Science Café on Thursday, June 26 at 5:30 PM to hear about current techniques and challenges in securing your data on the internet. Dr. Shaun Cooper, former Chief Information Officer at New Mexico State University, will discuss how data encryption works, the different types of identity theft, and how you can help reduce your risk of data loss. Learn about current trends in identity theft and steps industry is making to reduce their risk of losing you confidential information.

Science Café is presented by Sigma Xi: the Scientific Research Society, in cooperation with the Museum of Nature & Science. The Café discussions are free and presented to advance greater public understanding and use of available science. Students and all those seeking greater knowledge of current science are encouraged to attend.

The museum is located at 411 North Main Street and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For additional information, visit the website at: or call (575)522-3120.

If you need an accommodation for a disability to enable you to fully participate in this event please contact the museum 48 hours prior to the event.

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