What We Do
The Foundation for Las Cruces Museums is a membership based, non-profit organization providing financial resources, volunteer efforts and advocacy for the Las Cruces Museum System. Four Smithsonian-affiliated museums are located in our city, each with its own vision and mission. The Branigan Cultural Center, the Museum of Art, the Museum of Nature and Science, and the Railroad Museum offer exceptional exhibits and programs that enrich the experiences of residents and visitors.
The Foundation assists the museums by creating public and financial support. We work to increase community attendance at the museums, sponsor programs designed to enhance the cultural life of Las Cruces and advocate for favorable legislation and appropriations. Because our museum system is part of the municipal government, programming is subject to the availability of tax revenue. The museums have limited resources to accomplish their missions and visions. The Foundation assists the museums financially by generating fundraising events and encouraging gifts and endowments.
2018 has been an impactful year for our Foundation and for the Las Cruces Museums. Our FLCM projects have supported our community in realizing incredible goals and in accomplishing big dreams. We thank YOU for your support – through valuable time, tremendous effort, generous donations, and continued membership – you have made a difference for Las Cruces!
One of our biggest success stories for the year was raising funds and arranging for the purchase of Michael Naranjo’s sculpture, Eagle Man. This remarkable piece will remain a part of our City and Museum culture in perpetuity, with tremendous thanks to everyone who helped this grassroots effort find success! Please join us on Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 4:30 – 5:00 PM, in the courtyard between Branigan Cultural Center and the Museum of Art, as we celebrate this achievement and unveil the new plaque to honor the artist and esteemed patrons. {{Then stay for our annual meeting at MoNaS, 5 PM, as we design FLCM for 2019!}}
Another wonderful project the FLCM has facilitated is the purchase of a new turtle enclosure for the Museum of Nature and Science, improving the living and care conditions for our very popular snapping turtle, ‘Zilla. This project is still underway and will allow ‘Zilla to be served in the very best style and health for years to come.
The continued renovation of the 1890s wooden caboose, housed at the Railroad Museum, is almost complete. FLCM helps facilitate the work being done to restore this remarkable piece of antiquity, thereby preserving this iconic artifact of railroad history.
The FLCM strives to broaden the participation of our members, our community, and our families in support of our LC Museums. Our many projects continue to be diverse and embrace the many populations who step through the Museum doors, including:
Providing, in partnership with The Progress Club of Las Cruces, Assistive Listening Devices for use during public programs in the Museums;
The annual Navajo Rug Auction, which strives to celebrate the hand-made works of art while honoring the history and impact of the designers and creators; and
Bringing Cheech Marin to Las Cruces to talk about his collection of Chicano art.
Our success is your success. The FLCM is grateful to you and is thankful for your interest and commitment to our Las Cruces Museums.