People have lived in the Las Cruces area for over 10,000 years. How much do you know about the ancient history of our area? Join local archaeologists at the Branigan Cultural Center on Saturday, March 15th, 2014 from 10am to 2pm for the 2014 Archaeology Day to learn more about the deep past of New Mexico!
Archaeologists from the Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service, NMSU, and regional archaeological firms will all be present to bring their profession to the public. Come learn how to flint-knap, weave, make yucca string, coil a pot, or map an archaeological site. The event will feature demonstrations, sample artifacts, and the chance to hear about some of the ways that archaeologists contribute to our local economy. Archaeology Day is free and open to the public.
The Branigan Cultural Center is located at 501 North Main Street. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 9am to 4:30pm. For more information, contact the Branigan Cultural Center at (575) 541-2154 or visit the Center’s website at