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“The Mysterious Museum” Spring Break Camp at the LC Museums, March 25-29, 2019

Are you looking for something for the kids during Spring Break?  Send them to camp! Join the Las Cruces Museums, March 25-29, 2019, for a camp experience aimed at children in grades 1-8! Kids can decode hieroglyphics at the Branigan Cultural Center; make a surrealist cube at the Museum of Art; construct a balloon-powered cardboard car at the Museum of Nature & Science; and uncover the mystery object at the Railroad Museum by deciphering the secret code. Activities will vary depending on grade level.  Through these camps, kids will engage in topics dealing with science, technology, history, art, and culture.

Times and locations are based on grade level. Monday, March 25, all camps will meet at Mesilla Park/Frank O’Brien Papen Center, 304 Bell Street. Tuesday – Friday camps will meet at the Las Cruces Museums, 411-501 N. Main Street. Space is limited and registration is required by Wednesday, March 20. Cost is $25 per child and includes all supplies and a snack. Join in the fun at the Museums during Spring Break with “The Mysterious Museum”!

The museums are located at 411-501 North Main Street and 351 North Mesilla Street and are open Tuesday – Friday from 10am to 4:30pm and Saturday from 9am to 4:30 pm with no admission fee.  For more information about the Spring Break Camps, please call 575-522-3120.

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