Join the Museum of Art for a Digital Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, November 18th from 10:30am-12:30pm. Bring the family and some friends to participate in this digital scavenger hunt through our museums and the downtown Farmer’s Market. All you need is a cell phone or digital camera, and we’ll provide your checkoff list.
The hunt will correlate with the current photography exhibition at the Museum of Art, entitled, Art in the Detail: 20th Century Masters of Photography-Syracuse University Art Gallery. The challenge is to be creative with your photography and focus on the unique detail of each item. Also, test your photography skills by staging a still life photo!
Afterwards, enjoy viewing the photographs of other participants and take a guided tour of the exhibition. Meet in the Courtyard of the Museum of Art at 10:15am to register. Admission to the Museum of Art is free. The museum is located at 491 North Main Street and is open Tuesday through Friday from 10am to 4:30pm and Saturday from 9am to 4:30pm. For additional information, visit the website at