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Jonathan Garcia

Graphicanos: Contemporary Latino Prints from the Serie Project

“Graphicanos: Contemporary Latino Prints from the Serie Project,” now on exhibit in the Museum of Art, continues through Saturday, April 2. The exhibit, featuring works from the archives of the Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Fort Wayne, Texas, brings a variety of socio-political topics to the forefront. Serigraph prints by Latino artists explore cultural issues of the Latino community throughout the country. This exhibition has been organized by the Fort Wayne Museum of Art.

The Serie Project, a non-profit organization founded by Sam Coronado in 1993 in Austin, Texas, promotes the fine art of serigraphy. In the last two decades the organization has fostered over 250 artists from different professional levels and ethnic backgrounds, who together have produced a rare and special collection of serigraphs reflecting the Mexican American and Latino experience in the United States.

The Museum of Art is located at 491 N. Main Street and is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  For additional information, visit the website at: or call 575-541-2137.

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