Art Salon, which takes place in the Las Cruces Museum of Art every third Thursday from 5pm to 8pm, is your monthly evening to learn about art. Guided walks through the gallery, discussions about local and regional art, and art-making opportunities provide new ways to engage with art in the museum and beyond.
This month, on June 16, you are invited to join artist Carlos Estrada-Vega in an exploration of his artistic process. The artist employs an entirely abstract approach to the consideration of light, color, and motion, presenting color field compositions of various scales. Light, Color, Space, Motion, which also features work from photographer David Alan Boyd, continues through July 16.
The museum is located at 491 N. Main Street and open Tuesday through Friday from 10am to 4:30pm, Thursday from 10am to 8pm, and Saturday from 9am to 4:30pm. For additional information, visit the website at: or call 575-541-2137.
If you need an accommodation for a disability to enable you to fully participate in this event please contact the museum 48 hours prior to the event.